Mae'r orsedd fawr yn awr yn rhydd

1,2,3,(4,5,6,7);  1,2,3,8.
Mae'r orsedd fawr yn awr yn rhydd,
  Gwrandewir llais y gwan;
Wel cyfod bellach, f'enaid prudd,
  Anadla tua'r lan.

Wel anfon eirchion amal ri'
  I mewn i byrth y nef;
Gwrandewir pob amddifad gri
  Yn union ganddo ef.

Myfi anturia' nawr ymlaen
  Heb alwad is y ne'
Ond bod perffeithrwydd mawr y groes
  Yn ateb yn fy lle.

Ni fethodd gweddi daer erioed,
  A chyrhaedd hyd y nef;
Ac mewn cyfyngder, f'enaid rhed,
  Yn union ato Ef.

Anturiaf at ei orsedd fwyn, 
  Tan eitha tywyll nos;
Ac mi orphwysaf, doed a ddel,
  Ar haeddiant gwaed y groes.

Mi waeddaf yn y 'storom fawr,
  Dan donau fwy na rhi';
Ac fe esgyna'm drylliog lef,
  I entrych nefoedd fry.

Fe ffy'r tywyllwch wrth fy nghri,
  Yn nghyfyngderau'r nos;
Can's nid â'n ofer gais fy Nuw,
  A waeddodd E' ar y groes.

Calfaria fryn yw'r unig sail
  Adeilaf arno mwy,
A gwraidd fy nghysur
    fyth gaiff fod
  Mewn dwyfol, farwol glwy'.
William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [MC 8686]:
Darmstadt (Krieger)
  Dowland's (1592 John Dowland 1563–1626)
Farrant (Richard Farrant 1530-80)
Hiraethog (J Ambrose Lloyd 1815-74)
Martyrdom (Hugh Wilson 1764-1824)
Metzler (Richard Redhead 1820-1901)
St Mary (1621 Salmydd E Prys)
Salzburg (J Michael Haydn 1737-1806)
Saron (Thomas Hughes 1870-1910)

  Agorwyd pyrth y nefoedd wiw
  Anturiaf at ei orsedd fwyn
  Boed dyoddefiadau pur y groes
  Iesu yw 'Mrawd a 'Mhriod pur
  Mae pyrth y nef o led y pen
  Ni fethodd gweddi daer erioed

The great throne is now free,
  The voice of the weak is to be heard;
So from now on arise, my sad soul,
  Aspire towards the shore.

So send entreaties often
  Into the portals of heaven;
Every destitute cry will be heard
  Directly by him.

I will venture now forwards
  Without a call under heaven
But that the great perfection of the cross
  Is answering in my place.

An earnest prayer never failed,
  And reaches as far as heaven;
And in straits, my soul will run,
  Directly to Him.

I will venture to his gentle throne,
  Until the utter dark of night;
And I will rest, come what may,
  On the merit of the blood of the cross.

I will shout in the great storm,
  Under billows more than number;
And my broken cry will ascend,
  To the vault of heaven above.

The darkness will flee at my cry,
  In the straits of the night;
For I will not go in vain to seek my God,
  Who himself shouted on the cross.

Calvary hill is the only basis
  On which I will build henceforth,
And the root of my comfort
    will ever be found
  In a divine, mortal wound.
tr. 2009,10 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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